

I am Ajinkya Ghadge. I am currently a Graduate Student at UMass. I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science in 2016 and worked as a Software Engineer at Persistent Systems for more than a year. I had the opportunity to work towards development and automation of simulation and testing platform used by a leading ForEx bank. It has provided a great overview of Software Engineering process to me. Before starting my masters, I wanted to explore some other aspects of Computer Science and Software engineering, and I worked as a freelancer on software engineering tasks for machine learning. I took up Graduate studies for the rigorous CS curriculum at UMass and I felt it would help me with longevity in my Software engineering career.

Work Experience

I worked as a Software Engineer at Persistent Systems. I worked closely with a ForEx Company developing and maintaining a testing framework for their high-volume transactional system. I worked primarily in Java, but also used Perl, Python.

Key projects

I also worked as a freelance Software Engineer at Research Centre Imarat,Hyderabad, to gain some experience in a different area and also nudge into the world of research before starting Graduate Studies. I developed the machine learning pipeline and software development.

I wore multiple-hats, and worked on creation of datasets( annotation, compression, cleaning), maintaining high-performance server systems used for running machine learning workloads. I also worked to build software componenets for teams working on Nvidia Jetson TX2 platform for data collection and achieving real-time machine learning inferencing.

Currently I see myself more of a generalist, with exposure to Core CS concepts, Web development abstractions and priciples, Machine learning algorithms and applied statistics, Systems and Software Engineering. I wish to get deeper into one of the fields, and strongly feel much of the concepts are highly interdependent on each other.

Feel free to contact me at aghadge@umass.edu if you want to hire me or simply know more about my work experience!

More about me!

I enjoy building things from first principles. Sometimes thoughts come, and poetry happens, of what i’ve written, (in Hindi and English)you can find on my medium blog - WriterInMe.I enjoy music in general, and my weapon of choice is the Guitar. These days, I am also learning Indian Classical Music. soundcloud. I like to run and do HIIT workouts.(Me on Strava!)